I went to Twickenham last Saturday. It's always a good day out. It's a pity Leicester didn't play very well in the Premiership final, but there you go.

There was one thing that really annoyed me last Saturday. I went up to one of the catering facilities in the ground for two bottles of Diet Coke. "Three pounds 40," says the young lass serving me.

"No," says I. "I only wanted two."

"That is for two," says she. "They are £1.70 each."

Well, you could have knocked me over with the proverbial feather.

I suspect they buy them for about 25 to 50 pence, so that's an amazing mark-up. I'm not good at percentages and I was very thirsty or I would have told the young lady to stick them...although it wasn't her fault. She was only doing her job.

Sunday I nipped up to Welland for the farmers' market and to the boot sale in Upton and could not believe the number of people queuing for the Spring Garden Show at the Three Counties Showground.

They were everywhere, with massive queues building up as they headed back to the City.

Now, as you may know, there are some characters who get into our pub.

Andy is one of the quieter ones, but he got 'dragged' to the Show on Saturday.

He came in Saturday night for a lager shandy and looked awful - very pale, and weary looking. We thought he was ill.

It seems his good woman had spent a small fortune at the show, and ended up with him having lots of jobs to do as well. He was not a happy boy.

Picked up a bit of cricket on Saturday afternoon at Colwall - Herefordshire against Shropshire.

What a lovely little ground that is at Colwall, and one of the best views is from the boundary opposite the pavilion, looking up at the hills with the game going on and the flags flying about the scorebox.

Great site.

Good to see some old mates as well and have a natter about old times and new times as well. And a good finish to the game as well.

Amazing how many people have taken an interest in my diet!

I lost three pounds this week, so that's 12 gone altogether, but I've got a long way to go. I got the Slimmer Of The Week certificate and have put it on the fridge door.

It's Warriors' last game tomorrow. See you in Oxford, where I will not be having any pies! Wonder how much the Diet Coke is there...