WhiLE Mr Bushill-Matthews (Letters, May 7) does not get a special payment from the EU for writing in favour of the EU Constitution - because in fact he doesn't write such supportive rubbish - other UK MEPS do.

However, it would be interesting if he could comment on why the group in the EU Parliament to which he and other Conservatives belong is actively supporting the 'yes' vote for the constitution and whether he contributes to the funds of this group which are, therefore, being used to support a policy to which the Conservative Party is opposed.

Could he also explain why he failed to sign the motion of censure of yesterday supported by UKIP, Green and other Conservative MEPs criticising the EU President for his free holidays with a Greek millionaire who then got monetary assistance from the EU?

I do agree with him that it would be interesting if other MEPs did write to their local media. I would like a Labour MEP to explain why they voted for reducing our freedom to work when this is contrary to our own Government's policy.

Mark Starr

Leigh Sinton.