Matt Gilks, head of commissioning at Wyre Forest PCT, who is leading the ME/CFS Herefordshire & Worcestershire Local Multi-Disciplinary Team (LMDT) Stakeholder Group, will be one of the speakers at our annual Worcestershire ME Support Group open day.

The open day is being held from 1.30pm to 5pm at Unity House, Stanley Road, Worcester on Saturday, May 21.

A Herefordshire & Worcestershire ME/CFS Local Multi-Disciplinary Team (LMDT) is being set up to cover the two counties.

This local team covers the three Worcestershire Primary Care Trusts and Herefordshire Primary Care Trust, and will include occupational therapists, and part time dieticians, psychologists and physiotherapists.

We have heard that the Department of Health were hoping that all LMDTs would be set up by the end of June, but we have been told that ours will be launched in September/ October this year.

Our local MDT is one of the 50 teams being set up with money announced by the Government in May 2003 to develop new services for people with ME/CFS in England.

All money raised during the afternoon will be given to MERGE (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Research Group for Education and Support). MERGE is a national UK charity funding biomedical research into ME/CFS and related illnesses.

Jill Pigott
