I am writing to ask your readers to consider entering L'Ardchoise, France's biggest cycling event, to raise money for Diabetes UK.

It takes place from June 16-19 2005 in the beautiful Ardche region of France.

L'Ardchoise is a fantastic event which has been running since 1992 with 15,000 participants annually.

It combines a time trial for top athletes with easier routes for regular and fun cyclists, many in fancy dress raising money for charity.

There are several routes to choose from which vary in length but all take place in stunning rural France.

Diabetes UK is delighted to be working with Cycle Rides Ltd of Bath who are organising our L'Ardchoise activities.

The entry price is £149 and special transport is available from London and Manchester if required at a cost of £225 and £285 respectively.

Riders who raise £650 for Diabetes UK will have their entry cost refunded.

Riders who would like to support Diabetes UK should call free on 0800 389 3384 or visit www.cycle-rides.co.uk

The Diabetes UK Careline on 0845 120 2960 offers callers confidential information on all aspects of diabetes.

Sarah Dickinson

Diabetes UK