AN author writing a book about a famous First World War raid wants to find out about local men who took part in it.

Dominic Walsh, of Surrey, is researching the Zeebrugge raid, which took place in 1918 to prevent German U-boats and destroyers from using the port as a base. Eight Victoria Crosses were later awarded.

Mr Walsh plans to list in his book all the men from the Royal Navy and Royal Marines who took part, and knows that several came from the Malvern area.

"Bert Wells, who won the Distinguished Service Medal for his bravery during the raid, was for 20 years a postman in Malvern after he left the Royal Marines," he said.

"When he died in 1965, he was living at 41 Church Road, Malvern Link, and is, I believe, buried at St Matthias's Church.

"Interestingly, his son Len, who also joined the Royal Marines, was killed at the end of the Second World War in Plymouth.

"He is believed to have died a hero after throwing himself on a grenade dropped by one of the men he was training."

Anyone with information can contact Mr Walsh at Tilburstow House, Stychens Lane, Bletchingley, Redhill, Surrey RH1 4LL, or on, or via Malvern Memories.