100 years ago

A violet pulpit frontal, brass ewer for the font and beautifully worked set of linen for private celebrations has been presented to All Saints', the Wyche. The two-light window on the south side of the choir had now been filled in with coloured glass. The right-hand light is a figure of St Paul, with a small subject light below of the Apostle's conversion. That on the left hand is a figure of St Peter, below which there is a small subject light representing our Lord's Commission to this Apostle. Malvern Gazette, May 19, 1905.

The Queen's own Worcestershire Hussars will encamp in Eastnor Park from Friday next, till June 10. The regiment will be conveyed to Ledbury by four special trains. A little canvas town now stands on the green sward, awaiting a regiment that is about 500 strong, with 476 horses. Ledbury Free Press, May 25, 1905.

50 years ago

Support for the second Malvern Arts Festival has, so far, exceeded expectations. There was a full house for the opening concert by the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra and well over 1,000 people saw two performances by senior RADA students. The folk-dance festival tonight is sold out, as was last Friday's festival dinner at the Mount Pleasant Hotel. Malvern Gazette, May 20, 1955.

For the fourth year in succession, Ledbury section has won the cup for the best maintained length of permanent way in the Gloucestershire Division of British Railways. They also won the cup in 1949, the year it was first presented. Ledbury Reporter, May 20, 1955.

25 years ago

The appearance of an iron sheepgate in Westminster Bank, West Malvern, has brought sharp criticism of Malvern Hills Conservators from some local residents. Residents of the house at the top of the bank say that the gates impede access to their homes and could be a safety hazard to motorists in bad weather. Malvern Gazette, May 22, 1980.

Many eyes in the Ledbury area turned upward on Friday morning, when the sound of jet engines drew attention to the unexpected passage of Concorde, accompanied by the immaculate V-shaped formation of the Red Arrows. Ledbury Reporter, May 22, 1980.