THE church fete held last Saturday proved a great success, raising in the region of £1,800 (minus expenses). The vicar and members of the PCC would like to thank all who contributed in goods, donations and help on the day and who came to spend!

Last Sunday morning, Powick Bellringers rang a quarter-peal lasting 50 minutes to commemorate the life of Geoffrey Lewis (who was born 100 years ago, but died in his nineties). He was a well-known builder in Powick and captain of the Powick Bellringers for many years.

The quarter-peal was run by Paul Smith (captain), Lyn Nichol, Roger Gurney, Ruth Dyson, Brian Smith and Elizabeth Smith (nee Lewis), daughter of the late Geoffrey Lewis.

Powick Parish Ramblers have a walk on Tuesday, June 7, starting from the Old Hills second car park, Callow End at 6.30pm. The four-mile walk, via Clevelode, will be led by David Allen on (01905) 831988.

An organist is required to play on the first Sunday of the month at St James' Church, Callow End from 9.30-10.30am. A fee is payable. Please contact the church-wardens Terry Maple on (01905) 831738 or Alan Turnbull on (01905) 830742.

For the May meeting at Powick Guild, member Pat Smith organised a quiz based on the VE Day celebrations. She produced a list of comedians' catch phrases from 1940 to the present day.

The expression "Oh yes I can remember that, see the face but what was the name?" was constantly heard! Finally Rita de Boer and Hazel Neale were declared the winners. It was a case of all our yesterdays and childhood memories.

Sheila Crump and Ethel Wood served refreshments and a bring and buy sale was held. The AGM will be held at the June meeting on Tuesday, June 14, and the trip postponed to July 12. At the AGM, the programme for 2006 will be compiled.

Book ahead the date of Friday, June 17, for the midsummer strawberry and wine evening held by Powyke WI at the home of Edna Jenkins. Details later.

This Sunday, June 5, come and visit the local Worcestershire Animal Rescue Shelter when a companion dog show and fun day takes place at Hawthorn Lane, Deblins Green.

There will be teas and stalls plus a chance to take a dog for a walk in the grounds if you so wish. Entry from 10.30am.

Last Saturday evening, The Fabulous Boogie Boys provided swinging entertainment in Powick Parish Hall at an event organised by Powick Players. The five-piece band consisted of two electric guitars, keyboard, drums and tenor saxophone, plus vocalist. A superb buffet was served and the hall was decorated with black notes and gold paper treble clefs. The bar was run by Paul from the Three Nuns.

A gardeners' market is being held at Powick Parish Hal tomorrow (Saturday) from 9.30am till 1pm. Admission is free.