A full Village Hall last Friday brought to a triumphant end the two-night run of Bless' Em All - a show recalling the civilian side of life during the Second World War on the Home Front.

The show mixed authentic recordings of the declaration of war by Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, the sounds of the Blitz and the propaganda broadcasts of Lord Haw Haw with sketches depicting aspects of wartime life. The latter included rationing and the black market, air raid shelters and gas masks, children evacuated from cities into a strange and alien countryside and a final victory street party.

Re-creations of entertainments included a West End wireless broadcast with compre and guest in full evening dress, while an ENSA show for the troops provided the opportunity for songs and dances of the period, with many of the wartime favourites and dancing to Glen Miller which members of the audience joined.

Everyone in the cast, local adults excellently supported by children from the village school, worked well together and successfully evoked something of the cheerfulness that managed to pervade the community in those dark times.

Special mention should be made of Gwyn Klee and Valerie Blackbourn who created and produced the show, Rowland Dunn who managed the effective lighting and the Staiger brothers (alias the heart-throb Western Brothers!) - David, who provided keyboard accompaniment throughout, and Michael, who moved smoothly from sound engineer to stage performer, and whose virtuoso rendering of Noel Coward's Mad Dogs and Englishmen brought the house down. Congratulations to all involved on an original and enjoyable occasion.

West Malvern Cricket Club will be hosting the Trevor Emery Quartet, vocalist Louise Johnson and other guests at a midsummer jazz evening starting at 7.30pm on Saturday, June 25, at Mathon Court Gardens.

There will be a bar and you are invited to bring your own picnic, a rug or chair and enjoy an evening of live music in the beautiful surroundings of the gardens at Mathon Court.

As extra insurance, Mathon Village Hall has been reserved in case the weather is unkind.

Car parking space will be available only in the cricket club's car park adjacent to the venue. Tickets, £10 per person, are now on sale and can be obtained from Lorna Dudley (01684 565422), Valerie Blackbourn (564893) or at the Brewers Arms.

The cricket club is currently playing without its founder captain and leading batsman Richard Dudley, who sadly has to face a hip replacement operation later this year.

However, thanks to the marvels of modern surgery, there is every hope that he will be back next summer wielding the willow with his customary skill - opponents look out!