A FACTORY worker's desperate screams for help went unnoticed for more than 10 minutes when his arm became trapped in a printing press.

Dean Roberts, of Goldsmith Road, Warndon, has told how the noise from the machine drowned out his cries of agony and how he thought he was going to die. The 25-year-old had the skin torn off his right arm from his hand to his elbow, suffered muscle damage, and was left with a fractured wrist after the incident on Tuesday afternoon.

The accident happened at the VMB Ltd factory on the Blackpole Trading Estate in Worcester where he has worked for five years. He has been told he will probably never be able to use his arm for manual labour again.

"There was oil on the floor around the press and I was asked to clear some rags that had been put on top of the machine," said Dean.

"Usually this would be safe, but I must have slipped on some of the oil. I put my hands out to save myself and the machine just pulled me straight in.

"I was screaming out for help, but the press was so loud no one noticed. I was like that for about 10 minutes. There is a stop button and I was trying to kick this with my foot but I couldn't reach. It was the worst pain I have ever had. I don't know how I stayed conscious."

A work colleague eventually realised what was happening, but it took fire crews another 45 minutes to release Dean's arm.

Doctors operated immediately, but Dean has been told it is too early to tell exactly how much damage has been done. He has been warned to expect to stay in hospital for a couple of weeks and that he will need skin grafts. He said he is now just taking his recovery one day at a time.

"My girlfriend Laura, and my Mum, Dad and brother are being really supportive. At the moment I am just glad to be alive - it could have been a lot worse," he added.