A GRIEVING son was asked for his dead mother's signature before a hospital would start an investigation into a complaint about her care.

Mark Layland contacted Worcestershire Royal Hosp-ital after his mother Eileen died shortly after a routine hip replacement operation.

He received an e-mail from the complaints department asking him to provide his mother's signature.

"I was just aghast," he said. "I sat there for a while just thinking, I don't believe this. It just adds insult to injury."

Mrs Layland, 75, of St Andrews Road, Malvern, was sent home shortly after surgery, despite living alone and having difficulty walking. She instead went to stay with a relative, herself aged 77.

Complications arose when Mrs Layland's legs swelled, she began hallucinating and the wounds refused to heal.

She went into a coma and died on April 13, less than a month after the operation.

Mr Layland, of Lambourne Close, Ledbury, said he felt the treatment post-operation was unacceptable. The hospital had originally said she would be sent to a residential home to recover, but later said this was not possible.

"It seems a ridiculous situation to have an operation performed and then basically screw it all up," he said. "It's just a waste of a life. I feel my mother had a good ten years left and they have deprived us all of a wonderful woman."

A spokesman for Worcester-shire Acute Hospitals Trust, said it apologised profusely for the distress caused.

She said that, while it is necessary to gain written consent to access medical records, they should have asked for written consent from the next of kin and not Mrs Layland.

"The member of staff concerned is an experienced and trusted employee who has apologised to Mr Layland and his family for her error and the distress it has caused.

"Mr Layland's concerns are being looked into and we will respond directly to the family," she added.