THE dog season is with us again! The start of the summer in Malvern is heralded by letters to the Gazette for and against the presence of canines on the hills.

I agree there is nothing worse than dog faeces on one's person, not to mention the outside risk of infection, but so it is with other species. No one seems to complain about the deposits from cattle, sheep and birds, not forgetting foxes, rats, rabbits and other vermin.

I notice sporadic dog deposits on the footpaths, but since childhood I have learned to keep my eyes open.

As a year-round hill user I meet many people with dogs, some on leads, others free. Not even the most inquisitive bother me in the slightest. Although not a dog owner myself, if other people are so incensed they should abandon the hills altogether, or am I offending their human rights?

BRUCE TASKER, Bransford.