Trees on Avenue Road, Malvern, were broken and uprooted by vandals.

Two trees were snapped off and others, along with their protective guards, were damaged in the attack on Saturday night (May 28).

The trees were planted four months ago, to replace those previously damaged by vandals.

Avenue Road resident Keith Phillips, who discovered the damage, said: "It's a real shame. It's just senseless destruction. The guards on the new trees were much higher, but they've still been vandalised."

Mike Davis, of Worcestershire Highways Partnership, said: "We're particularly concerned about this mindless vandalism in a particularly beautiful area of the town. We've asked our tree surgeon to assess the damage, but two trees will need to be replaced completely.

"It's unfortunate that this will cost the taxpayers of Malvern additional money. I encourage any witnesses to the incident to tell the police so these people can be brought to book."