A 30-year-old tree in Priory Park, Malvern, was to be cut down this week after vandals set it on fire.

Park keeper Tony Kiesslinger said there was no chance the golden lawson cypress near Malvern Splash would grow back again.

"It's a very nice specimen, not rare, but it's got a nice shape. It's just a shame," he said.

No decision has been made on what will replace the cyprees but it is hoped another tree, surrounded by shrubs, will be planted.

Vandals set fire to the tree on a Saturday night in April and firefighters put out the flames after staff at the Splash raised the alarm.

Mr Kiesslinger said: "We do have a problem in Priory Park and it's hard to overcome but hopefully it will get better.

"When there's any damage done we try to get in there quickly and repair it."