A school evacuated to Malvern Wells during the Second World War is calling on residents to help piece together its history.

St Hugh's, of Faringdon, Oxfordshire, was based at Graham House, Malvern Wells, from 1941 to 1945.

But very little is known of that time and, as the school prepares to celebrate its centenary, staff are hoping local people will come forward to help fill in the gaps.

A bike ride is planned for August 28-29 when staff and pupils will travel to Malvern Girls' College, which put St Hugh's up when it first arrived in the town. They will then go on to Malvern Wells, before returning to its current home.

Spokesman Jenny Lowe said: "There must be local people who worked as domestic staff at the school or who were involved in some other way.

"If we could get their anecdotes and memories, it would really add to the event. Perhaps some may even like to attend?"

The school moved to Malvern Wells as its location at Bickley was in the flight path of enemy bombers.

Teachers and a dozen boys arrived at Great Malvern Station in January 1941 but found the road to Malvern Wells impassable due to snow, so were given shelter at Malvern Girls' College.

The school returned to Oxfordshire at the end of the war but found its former home flattened by a bomb. It later moved to Carswell House, in Faringdon, where it is based today.

Anyone with any information can call Suzy Robinson on 01367 870700.