WORCESTER City have teamed up with Malvern Town to help boost funds for the Travel Factory Midland Alliance club.

Monies raised through City's long-running SuperGold lottery, which provides much-needed revenue for the Nationwide North side, will now be shared with their near neighbours.

City chairman Dave Boddy said: "This is a link between two local clubs who are getting together to help one another. Any money that is raised in Malvern in the SuperGold will be split 50-50 between both clubs.

"We approached Malvern Town for them to be involved in the scheme and we are pleased with that. It's important for both clubs.

"We've ran the SuperGold lottery since the 1950s in various different guises. It's a vital part of our income and we run the competition in Worcester and surrounding areas."

The weekly lottery is run on a door-to-door basis involving around 100 different collectors.