We have just finished accepting entries for the Worcester Festival in August.

There are 299 events registered, with the Festival running between August 6 and August 29.

In the first year, 2003, we had just over 100 events. In 2004 there were 171, and now 299.

It is a phenomenal growth rate, and in some measure reflects the fact that Worcester has wanted its own summer festival for some time.

Now there is one, the city is embracing it warmly and with some passion. Let's hope we get some of the great weather which is forecast for the summer.

The mission statement of the Festival is "The Worcester Festival is not a music festival, nor indeed an arts festival, but just... a festival. The festival is for the people of Worcester and the surrounds. It is a series of partnerships between large cross-sections of the community, an umbrella for a huge range of activities. It is a coming together of people. It is an opportunity to stage an event, or to attend a large selection of both professional and community events. It is a celebration of life, and of Worcester and its people."

You should be getting a festival programme free of charge through your door towards the end of June. There are loads of activities for children and many of the events are free. There are also many workshops, and although they have a fee involved, check them out and move quickly - last year all the children's activities sold out long before the Festival started.

The city buzzes in August when the festival is on. Look out for the brochure, and start planning. We can't wait to see you all and the huge range of events.