IS there no one other than UKIP prepared to stand up to Tony Blair and stop him giving away our country simply to achieve his personal ambitions of becoming the first president of a United States of Europe?

There are no benefits, political or economic, which can off set the loss of our sovereignty, the right to choose who shall govern our country, and the right to change that government by a (debatable) democratic vote every five years.

We can co-operate with Europe over major issues, and continue to trade with the, but that doesn't mean we have to be governed by Europe.

To a large degree we are already being governed by an unelected council of ministers in Brussels as a result of earlier treaty's signed without authorisation, by previous and this Prime Minister.

The Battle for Britain is back on. Those who wish for government of the UK to pass to the EU are not all across the Channel. Many are within the walls of Parliament promoting a 'yes' vote, to ratify a constitution signed by Tony Blair, without the authority of the nation.

A majority of 'yes' votes would be the final brick in the building of an undemocratic, un-controllable European Union with full powers to govern over our local, national and international affairs.


UKIP Mid Worcestershire.