YOUNG Scott Rice would have been the only person who could have told us why he hanged himself.

What was going through his mind as he shut himself up in his bedroom on that fateful Wednesday, June 1, evening, only he could have said.

The tragic 14-year-old's family are, of course, struggling to come to terms with his untimely death.

While they must deal in a very private way with the loss of a son and brother, Robin and Carrie Rice have suggested TV show Jackass could be at least partly to blame.

The Riversides Special School pupil was, they said, a big fan of the US show - famous for its depiction of bizarre pranks and humiliating acts.

Academics and commentators have already blamed the show, along with others like Dirty Sanchez, for the 'happy slapping' craze that has been sweeping the country.

Scott, his family said, was always involved in 'dangerous' fun of various kinds - and may well have thought that this 'prank' would be discovered well before its fateful conclusion.

The argument over whether life follows TV, or TV follows real life, has raged for many years. But, if there is any suggestion that Scott's actions are the result of copying the antics of a TV show, then it is time for a change.

Programme makers need to step up and show a more responsible attitude - before another child needlessly loses their life.