AMATEUR thespians proved a huge hit with a packed audience at Worcester's Swan Theatre last night when they gave an impressive performance of the classic Cider with Rosie.

The cast of budding actors gave professionals a run for their money and left theatregoers cheering with delight.

The show was staged on a special evening for the Worcester theatre - its 40th anniversary since it first opened in 1965.

And it was apt that the stage was graced by the Swan Theatre Amateur Company, as it was the same group that performed the debut play at the venue when it first opened.

Singing, dancing, a fiddler and accordionist - combined with stunning performances - truly took the audience back in time and brought to life the childhood of legendary writer Laurie Lee.

Strong performances came from actors both young and old, most notably Julie Nunn, who played Laurie Lee's mum, James Jackson, who had the unenviable challenge of being an adult portraying a young boy, and Chris Barltrop who narrated the play in the character of grown-up Laurie.

The play was also superbly directed by Chris Jaeger, chief of Huntingdon Arts, which runs the Swan. It was clearly an emotional time for Mr Jaeger, who appeared on stage at the end of the show to thank a host of city dignitaries and theatre movers and shakers who turned out to mark the Swan's birthday.

Cider with Rosie runs at the Swan Theatre until Saturday, June 25, and tickets can be booked by calling Huntingdon Arts box office on 01905 611427.

Emma Cullwick