I READ that English Heritage has decided not to list the unique Droitwich Lido.

In 2001, English Heritage designated Droitwich Town Centre as an area of national historical importance because of its links with the salt industry. The following year, they supported the building of an ultra modern supermarket on the very site that they claimed was of national importance.

It is no wonder that towns and cities are now described as soulless and clones of each other. The very body that is charged with protecting our heritage is happy to see anything old and unique destroyed and replaced with concrete and steel.

Who exactly are 'English Heritage?' Who do they serve - local communities or big business and politicians? Droitwich and Worcester have lost their uniqueness over the last 30 years - English Heritage has done nothing except aid the property developers.

The time has come to abolish English Heritage and replace it with people who do actually care about our heritage.



n AFTER visiting my sister and her two children the weekend before last, I felt sick and upset at what I was told.

My sister informed me that yet again the windows of St Peter's village hall had been smashed by mindless vandals.

At the time my niece asked, "do you think they know that this is my pre-school and that's why they did it?". She proceeded to cry her little heart out, scared at the thought that it might happen again, with her in there.

My point is that anti-social behaviour is now becoming rife and someone needs to take responsibility for it. Is it not a parent's responsibility to know where their teenagers are? And if they are causing pain and distress to the local community? Come on parents, take some responsibility for your children.

Instead of putting them in front of the TV to learn this type of behaviour, spend time with them and start teaching them right from wrong.