IN reply to Phil Baker's letter about there being no drugs in Catshill, we would like to say this.

If Catshill is drug free, as he seems to think (and what planet is he on?) then it would be the only place in Britain that is - remarkable!

If Mr Baker took off his blinkers and rose-tinted glasses and lived in the real world, he would see what everyone else sees - youngsters drinking alcohol and smoking cannabis quite openly, especially on the play area and fields off Lingfield Walk.

We know some of these children to be only 12-years-old and far from 'frightening parents unnecessarily', we feel all parents should be aware of what is available to their children, should they want it.

So far from this being 'tittle-tattle from sad individuals' - as he puts it: 'the truth is out there'.

We have also witnessed a young teenager openly taking drugs on our garden wall a few months ago, lining up all his drug paraphernalia, before smoking it. Of course, he'd had his fix and was long gone by the time the police arrived.

Be thankful, Mr Baker, this hasn't happened outside your house yet.

We also noticed that he made no mention of the underage drinking that is happening in the supposed alcohol-free zone of Lingfield Walk play area and field. Maybe you can tell us who is enforcing this and when it will start?

There is a group of us who clear up all the debris left behind in this 'alcohol-free zone' - bottles and cans - and we would like to welcome Mr Baker into our group, so please feel free to join us, the more the merrier!

Name and address supplied