MAY I respond to three letters last week which totally misrepresented me in their comments.

First Mark Heal stated that I appeared in the press as architect of Wychavon's canal development plan. No - I am a director of the Canals Trust and have a watching brief over the economic development of the Canals Trust.

I was not in any way involved in the formulation of the canal planning brief and made that clear at the time it was adopted by Wychavon District Council.

I had no prior knowledge of the current planning application before it was placed on public deposit. I hope Mr Heal is not suggesting otherwise.

Mr and Mrs Hallen and Mr Hennesy wish to credit me with the introduction of wheelie bins - again this is not right.

Firstly I have no idea whether the introduction of bins has even been discussed since I was not, and am not, on the working group which formulated the proposals for changes in the refuse system.

As Councillor Roy Seabourne is on this group, and seconded the proposal to the executive board that their recommendations be adopted, perhaps they should ask him. Personally I have no wish to have wheelie bins.

Again Mr Hennesy claimed 'Pamela Davey installed traffic lights at Tagwell Junction.'

If he cares to recall the switch on photo he will remember that Cllr Peter Pinfield and I jointly flipped the switch, both claiming to have acted in response to public demand in general, and the town council in particular, for this set of lights.

In this case public representations, and town council intervention, certainly brought a response from the County Council - sorry if you don't like the result.

Pam Davey, District Councillor for Droitwich East