With three key members of the committee AWOH (away on holiday, not AWOL!) things threatened to be a little frenetic at the June meeting.

However, stalwart committee members stepped into the breach and the meeting proceeded quite smoothly, with the addition of some laughter.

Our usual chairman was replaced by Robyn Newton, quite unfazed and good-humoured as always, and who welcomed about 50 members, somewhat less than usual due to the holiday absences!

The secretary, Brenda Graham, moved sideways to become treasurer for the evening, so Mary Clifford stepped in to become secretary. Brenda also had to be the outings secretary, reminding members of the forthcoming trips to Ledbury and the Hergest Garden Centre, as well as the summer dinner in August at Grimley. She sat at her table waiting with pen and paper poised to take money for these trips. What a good job she used to work in a bank!

Our speaker was Dorothy Bishop, her talk was called The Recreation of the Golden Years, a lady with a great sense of humour, making us see ourselves as others see us and making us laugh at ourselves.