Finstall WI's June meeting was held in Finstall Village Hall, where Jill Findon, president, welcomed 24 members and three visitors.

Minutes were read by the secretary, Ann Parr, and a short report of the rally in Bewdley, when two of our members, Ann and Lunette, entered produce in the Sea World competition. They received good marks for their entries.

A mention of the forthcoming skittles match, when members will join other members in the group at the DD&S Club, in Bromsgrove, for a game and supper. Also our birthday outing to Teme Valley, when members will have lunch at The Tavern in Newnham Bridge.

Jill asked members if they would attend a special fundraiser for the village hall, which is now 100 years old. It will be a demonstration of flower arranging by a very talented lady, Virginia Davis, and the admission will be £2.50, to include a glass of wine. It will take place on July 20 at 7.30pm and the WI is organising it as part of the years of fundraising to refurbish the hall.

Our speaker for the afternoon was introduced. Madelaine Gould told us of her life and "25 years with peacocks" - the birds, not the store! It was a colourful talk and Madelaine talked about the history of the peacock. She amazed us all with stories and her devotion to them. A very enjoyable speaker.

Mary Limmer brought along some of her golden wedding anniversary cake, made by her friend and fellow member, Joan, and it was enjoyed by all. Pat and Lorna served tea. Door prize was won by Vee Cole. Flowers were by Betty. Our next meeting will be on July 4 at 2.15pm.