THE new head of education for Worcestershire has dismissed city MP Mike Foster's fears that city schools are missing out on special needs funding.

Councillor Liz Eyre, who took over as cabinet member for children's services last month, was asked for a summary of the cash county schools receive for pupils with 'statements' of special educational needs (SEN).

The figures sparked concerns because they showed Worcester schools attract less than others in more affluent parts of the county, such as in Malvern and Bewdley.

However, Coun Eyre moved to reassure the city MP and Councillor John Buckley - who originally asked for the breakdown - that city schools were not missing out.

"The information given to Mike Foster MP and Coun Buckley responded to a very specific request regarding statement funding - it does not include all behaviour or deprivation-related funding."

"The list is only a part of an overall funding picture."

The council figures show Bewdley High School gets £130,393 through statements - almost three times as much teaching assistant support as Elgar Technology College, which gets £47,386.

Malvern Chase gets £192,000 - more than the combined totals of Bishop Perowne (with £56,206), Elgar and Nunnery Wood (£50,725).

Earlier this week, Mr Foster called for a complete overhaul of the statementing system.

Coun Eyre agreed to look into it. "We are already working to ensure our secure position is even stronger, more transparent, consistent and anomaly-free," she said.