VISITORS to a flower festival in Wolverley will be treated to colourful displays representing the work of well-known artists.

Wolverley Floral Art Club is decorating St John the Baptist Church on an Artists of the World theme.

Club chairman, Jackie Harris, said around 30 members would design their arrangements in the style of famous artists including Vincent Van Gogh, Andy Warhol and Jackson Pollock.

Also on display will be more than 60 decorative remembrance pew ends that individuals have ordered in memory of lost loved ones.

The club, which has been running for nearly 30 years, meets every third Monday each month. It holds fund-raising events twice a year and following its last event was able to donate £1,000 to the church.

Mrs Harris said: " We want to raise the funds to help support the church and the village which, we feel, is very important."

The festival will be held from Friday, June 24 until Sunday, June 26 and the church will be open each day from 10am until the early evening.

Tickets for a raffle, which will drawn by the vicar on June 26, when he closes the festival, will be on sale throughout the weekend.

As well as the floral arrangements, there will also be a concert on the Friday night, with performances from Kidderminster Charity Singers as well as Poetic Licence, which will include humorous readings and recitals.

It will start at 7.30pm. Tickets are available by contacting Mrs Harris on 01562 755537 or club secretary, Norma Dalton, on 01562 822954.