THOUSANDS of people flocked to Kiddermin-ster's Brinton Park on one of the hottest days of the year to enjoy a packed field of carnival fun on Saturday.

The glorious weather - breaking the 30 degree centigrade barrier in the afternoon - brought out crowds estimated at around 10,000-strong for a blazing afternoon of community entertainment.

Highlights on the showground included a dog agility demonstration, dance displays, fun fair, quad bikes and huge bouncy castles.

Scores of colourful stalls and side-shows provided plenty of interest and the donkeys kept cool under the shade of the trees while giving children rides.

The number of floats in the street parade was slightly down on last year with only four taking part but the procession was boosted by an increase in the number of walkers and three spectacular motorised trikes.

Best charity float was won by St Peter's Church, Birchen Coppice, with the Wizard of Oz and a Star Wars theme won the day for the KD9 Scouts who were awarded the best youth prize.

Mike Salter's armoured vehicle won the vintage car category and trolley float winner was nine-year-old Jodie Davies, a previous carnival rosebud and "old hand" at parade entries, with a Chitty Chitty Bang Bang theme.

Andy Lane, and daughter Emily, nine, from Broadwaters, won the best pedestrian adult and child as St George and the Dragon.

Carnival chairman, Colin Hill, said the street collection on the parade raised £920.

It is not yet known how much this year's charity - the Shuttle/Times and News Operation Covert appeal to rebuild the Scout centre at Rhydd Covert - will receive from the carnival.

He added: "The weather couldn't have been better. It makes such a difference when the sun shines and people can relax and enjoy the entertainment.

"Many stayed until well after 5pm because they were having such a good time.

"Once again it was another great team effort," he said.

The winning programme in the prize draw - worth £75 - was number 191 with the second prize of £25 going to number 320. Claimants should ring Mr Hill on 01562 751634.