GARDENING CLUB: The chairman welcomed everyone to the June meeting. Two outings to visit Coton Manor Gardens, Cottesbrooke Hall and Gardens, Hodnet Hall Gardens and Wollerton Old Hall Gardens had been enjoyed by club members and thanks were given to Anne Suffield for organising these. Members were reminded of the visit to Upton Wold in July and Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens in September. The club's newsletter, with information on future events, was available at the meeting. The chairman had received an invitation for members to visit Mickleton School on the afternoon of July 1 to attend a musical event. The Annual Garden Party is being held on the evening of July 1.

The chairman introduced the guest speaker, Duncan Coombs. Mr.Coombs is a lecturer at Pershore College and an expert in horticultural soft landscaping. With his extensive horticultural knowledge, and some slides he showed the audience how many beautiful planting schemes can be successful in shady places.