DESPITE the many problems encountered at the Blackpool Marathon, The Amazing Feet Running Club's Phil Bubb completed the course in three hours 54 minutes 14 seconds to record 244th place out of 808 finishers.

The start of the race was held up for 45 minutes, due to the late arrival of marshals, during which time the runners were kept standing in the hot sun.

Then a drinks station at 12 miles ran out of water, which meant athletes were running in 32 degrees C of heat with no liquid intake between nine and 15 miles.

Other club members were in action nearer home, with Ellie Hooper recording 25 minutes two seconds in the Birmingham Race for Life 5km at Cannon Hill Park, and Marianne Haycox completing the Worcester Race for Life in 25-0.

Martin Howles came 37th in the Aldridge 10k in 39-51, while Andy Norris finished 76th in the Newport Carnival 10k in 47-19.

The Action Heart 5k at Himley Park saw a fine personal best by Shaw Pye, who finished 16tth in 17-42, and Jane Pye came home third female 45 in 24-39 for 112th place overall.

Other club finishers were Simon Gregg, back after an ankle injury, 45th in 20-27, David Pye 51st in 20-50 and Lindsay Pulley 114th in 25-0.