HARD-earned sponsorship money raised for Cancer Research UK was stolen by thieves who broke into a locked office at Kidderminster Hospital.

But generous hospital workers were so dismayed that fund-raiser Brenda Berry from the catering department finished up with £40 more than she expected.

Brenda had been shocked to discover the £37 collected from colleagues after taking part in the Race for Life at Worcester had been stolen from her drawer.

Both the office and department had been locked and police inquiries drew a blank, but staff rallied around when they heard what had happened.

Those who had already donated gave again, while others organised whip-rounds and people who had not sponsored her originally chipped in.

"I just wanted to thank everyone," said Mrs Berry, who raised £100 for the charity, adding:

"It is nice to know there are still a few decent people in this sad world we live in."

She completed the 5k course on Sunday, June 12, with her daughter Sam Taylor and granddaughters Jessica, 12 and nine-year-old Beth, who raised another £100.

Also taking part were catering department colleagues Penny Devlin, Stephanie Moule, Peggy Morris, Jenny Lamb and Pat Rogers, whose total has yet to be finalised.