TWO mobile phones worth £450 were stolen from a Kidderminster house when the owner went to bed and left a ground floor window open.

The burglary, which happened in Woodfield Street in the early hours of Saturday, has prompted a warning by West Mercia Constabulary for householders to be vigilant about home and vehicle security during the heatwave.

Kidderminster's crime reduction officer PC Ian White reminded residents to close doors and windows when they left a room or went into the garden and said motorists should close windows and sunroofs when leaving vehicles unattended.

"It only takes a couple of seconds for a thief to reach through a door and help themselves to a wallet or car keys while the occupant has gone to answer the telephone or walk in through an open back door and take a handbag while they are in the shower," he said.

"It is particularly important to close all ground floor windows when going to bed at night, as well as first floor windows which an intruder could easily reach by climbing onto a ground floor extension, garage or porch."

Anyone with information on the Woodfield Street burglary should contact Kidderminster police on 08457 444888 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.