JUST a line to enquire if Stephen Clee has inadvertently joined the wrong party?

The Wyre Forest Conservatives' website claims that Conservatives value public opinion and are listening, whilst Mr Clee, if his comments to Oliver Evans (May 26 issue of the Shuttle/Times & News) are to be believed, clearly is not!

Following Nigel Knowles' request for the county council to re-examine its controversial decision on the district's schools, Mr Clee's response was "we have other things to fight, not old battles that have been lost".

As a member of the public that he claims to value, I wish to add my wholehearted support to Mr Knowles' proposal, as do all the other parents whose children attend St Barnabas School. Mr Clee should be made to listen.

His claim that the increase in the number of Tory seats in Wyre Forest "showed residents were not concerned with the schools issue" shows how completely out of touch with public opinion he actually is.

It was, after all, Mr Knowles who was elected to represent the county ward.

Mr Clee should think again, and do something constructive to redress the situation.

As a member of "The Listening Party" this matter should be at the top of his agenda.

St Barnabas is a first-class over-subscribed school, with excellent Ofsted reports, unlike Marlpool which is struggling to attract its quota due to falling standards, so it would be a travesty if we, like Mr Clee, chose to ignore the issue.

Let's hear how our children will actually benefit from the council's ludicrous proposals and the advantages, other than monetary gain, that the complete disruption of their education will bring.


(Irate grandmother to four

St Barnabas pupils)

Highfield Road, Kidderminster