Helen Donovan, the Evesham parent who spearheaded the campaign for fairer funding for Worcestershire Schools, now has MP Jacqui Smith on board.

She had a face to face talk in London last Thursday with Mrs Smith, the Redditch MP - and new Minister of State for School Standards - who admitted education authorities in Worcestershire have been disadvantaged. Mrs Donovan, who was representing parents at the f40 campaign group's delegation, said: "Things are looking up now Jacqui Smith is the Minister because her own constituency, like ours, is one of the areas on the bottom of the table for funding. Her children go to the local schools."

Mrs Donovan's campaign started two years ago when she uncovered a huge funding gap between the schools in Worcestershire and those in other areas of the country.

She said: "For instance eight years ago Herefordshire was receiving £80 a child more than those in Worcestershire but that sum has now grown threefold to £240 more. In Birmingham the difference is £750."

The Minister told the delegation that f40's concerns would be high on her agenda and she would work with the group to find ways for schoolsi that have been disadvantaged get a better deal in the future.