THROUGH your columns I would like to thank all those that made this year's Kidderminster Carnival a wonderful success.

The parade was not as big as previous years but to those who made the effort and over came the problems of insurance to keep the tradition of carnival parade alive in Kidd-erminster, a sincere thank you.

Brinton Park was buzzing all day from very early in the morning until the early evening. This was due to the hard work put in by the carnival committee members.

The team of members spent 14 hours on carnival day working hard all day to make it a very enjoyable experience for everyone. My grateful thanks.

Lastly I hope that the person who removed the expensive carnival sign from the Bewdley Road ringway island will get the same pleasure from it as the rest of us who attended the carnival.

My heartfelt thanks to all those attending and those who bought programmes at their front doors. Also the many who worked to make this year's Kidderminster Carnival such a success.



Kidderminster Carnival

Dunnington Avenue
