WYCHAVON District Council is set to rule on controversial plans to create a quad biking centre in Evesham.

The application to change the use of horticultural land off Broadway Road has been submitted by Vito Muratore, who has also handed the council a 96-name petition in support of the scheme.

He says that the centre, which would give customers the chance to hire quad bikes to ride around a track, would not disturb nearby residents and would benefit Evesham.

His plans also include the provision of parking for up to ten vehicles and a covered seating area.

However, 55 people living near the site off Evesham bypass have contacted the council to express their objections to the proposal - raising concerns such as noise, traffic congestion and dust pollution.

The scheme is also being opposed by the Town Council, Evesham Civic Society and the Wychavon's Environmental Health Department.

The county council has raised further concerns that a public right of way could be affected by the scheme.

Planning officer Gavin Greenhow has recommended that members of the council's development control committee refuse the application when they meet today, Thursday.

He said: "It is considered that the use of the land as an all terrain vehicle - quad bike - driving facility will cause a serious noise nuisance that will be severely detrimental to the amenities of the occupiers of nearby residential properties.

"In addition it is considered that the transformation of this flat, open piece of agricultural/horticultural land to the proposed facility with the associated earthworks, screening and appearance due to constant use will cause significant harm to the appearance of this rural area."

The committee meeting at the council's Civic Centre in Pershore starts at 2pm.