VALE people are being urged to dig deep into their pockets to help needy older people.

Volunteers from Age Concern are helping to combat isolation and loneliness amongst the elderly by taking part in a collection which aims to raise £300,000 in just two days.

They will be collecting at Evesham's Tesco Store on Friday June 24 and Saturday June 25 in Age Concern's biggest ever fundraising initiative involving 700 branches throughout the UK.

Magda Praill, spokesperson for Age Concern Herefordshire & Worcestershire said: "Community support is crucial.

"We hope lots of people will come along to help local older people by making a donation on the day," she added.

All of the money raised at Tesco's will go back into the local community to help people who are lonely and feel cut-off from family and friends.

They may need someone to talk to regularly, or help in making their homes more secure and less vulnerable to burglary.