KIDDERMINSTER Chess Club A had to field a severely weakened team when they met West Bromwich in Division One of the Wolverhampton League, but were only defeated by a single point.

The two players promoted from the B side - Clive Billinge and Derek Digger - notched a win and a draw respectively, while Kidderminster's other victory came from Frank Pickett, as the team were beaten 3.5-2.5.

Results (Kidderminster names first): Maurice Bissell 0, N Walker 1; Pickett 1, Crump 0; Dave Close 0, K Barnett 1; Paul Thomas 0, D Davies 1; Billinge 1, P Bull 0; Digger 0.5, M Uddin 05.

First Division Kidderminster Pawns defeated Second Division Redditch 2.5-1.5 in the Worcester and District League Cup, but were eliminated on the handicap system.

Results: Mark Riley 0.5, J Cole 0.5; Close 1, M Clack 0; Mike Kitchen 0.5, D Dixon 0.5; Billinge 0.5, M Daniels 0.5.