AN Evesham man is appealing for help in raising sponsorship money for his upcoming trek across the Himalayas.

Thirty-nine-year-old Tim Dolan is taking on the adventure to support educational projects in Northern India. This would principally involve the building of schools and to train and pay teachers in an area where very few children have access to education. The trek has been organised by the Voluntary Service Overseas charity (VSO) and is taking place from August 24 to September 3.

Tim said "I am very excited about the trip and grateful to the organisers for making it happen. I know it will be challenging, but I will be prepared and hope to raise enough money to make a difference in India."

Tim who is Director of IT at Evesham High School is an experienced runner and has taken part in the London, New York and Paris marathons with one in Berlin coming up as well. To prepare himself for the trip, Tim has been training hard with a specially organised Cardiovascular programme with Rivers Gym. He needs to be well prepared as the trek is an unpredictable one and the altitude at some points is as much as 4500 metres. So far around £1,500 has been raised, but Tim is hoping that figure can be improved and has set his target at £3,500.

If anyone would like to help Tim with sponsorship, he can be contacted at the School on 01386 442060 or his mobile 07960 754625.