STAFF and pupils at Charlton with Cropthorne Pre-school have been celebrating after receiving a glowing Ofsted report. The pre-school in Charlton has 28 children from two to four years old and employs five staff.

The report detailed the high quality nursery education, which enables children to make good progress towards early learning goals. The standard of teaching was described as very good with staff providing a range of exciting and practical activities. Leadership and management were also mentioned favourably as was the partnership with parents, saying they were kept well informed.

Manager of the Pre-School Alison Davies said: "We were absolutely thrilled with the way the inspection went, and the resulting report. It shows the hard work and dedication of everyone involved in the school."

The report highlighted the schools use of outside experts, such as Jo Jingles who helps out with music, to add variety in class. Also mentioned was the strategy for which new children are added to the group. The school's policy is to visit a new pupil's home and talk to their parents to help them settle in.

There were no significant weaknesses to report but there are plans to continue monitoring activities and teaching in the short-term.

Ofsted were pleased with the way the school has improved since the last inspection, focusing mainly on the parent partnership and new storage units for art and craft activities.

The school was deemed very good in every area they were judged in, including personal, social and emotional development as well as communication, language and literacy. The outcome of the report was that the provision was of high quality with the children making good progress towards their goals.