AN appeal has gone out from the Pershore and District Community Minibus Committee for more help.

The project was set up some 30 years ago, said chairman Dave Lavender.

But there are still people who had never heard of it and he asked: "Is it Pershore's best kept secret?"

Committee members, he said, remained committed to continue providing affordable transport for social and community groups in and around Pershore town but did need additional help and support.

Mr Lavender said: "The sad loss of Nigel Hallen at the beginning of the year hit us hard.

"Nigel was a good friend of the committee and well known to most of the people who use the bus on a regular basis.

"He was also our treasurer and we badly need someone to replace him.

"We also need someone who lives close to the town to take on the role of bookings secretary."

Anyone interested in becoming involved with the work can call Mr Lavender on 01386 553719 or secretary Paul Raynor on 01386 552892 or attend the annual meeting to be held at the Brandy Cask, Pershore, on Wednesday, August 10, at 8pm.