THE heat is on for a Worcester man who has won the chance to experience life in his dream job as a professional chef.

Steve Fuller, a strategic planner with the Learning and Skills Council, was one of 10 lucky winners of the national Dream Job Swap Competition run by Campaign for Learning, the national lifelong learning charity.

He will spend two days in the kitchen of top Worcester restaurant, the Glasshouse, chopping, cooking, cleaning, buying, creating and learning about what it really means to be a chef. "I am very excited to get this opportunity," said Steven. "Cooking is a passion of mine outside of the job, and I have been on several courses, but to spend time in a busy restaurant kitchen will be the best learning experience I could hope for."

Calum MacCrimmon, head chef at the popular restaurant in Church Street, was also enthusiastic about the win.

"I'm delighted to share my work and be able to offer Steve this opportunity to step into the shoes of a chef," he said.