STAUNTON and Corse are all set for the grand village fete tomorrow (Saturday), starting at noon with a pig roast and hot dogs for the children.

It will be held in the grounds of Staunton and Corse CE School and the proceeds are for the two churches and the school. This is the first fete for many years and is something the village people have said they would like after many years of a much larger event.

Fingers are tightly crossed for the good weather to last, 2004 was spoilt by the weather. There will be a full programme of events starting with a children's fancy dress competition, music will be by the Gloucester Academy Junior Wind Ensemble and it is hoped the Five Star line dance team will attend, with audience participation.

There will be maypole dancing by the schoolchildren and races for both children and adults.

A bouncy castle, stalls of all kinds and competitions, with for the first time a vegetable animal for the children, Victoria sponge and photography for the adults. Skittles will also be played. There will also be a bar, teas, ices etc. The large draw will include a week's holiday for two (accommodation), a £50 prize and meals for two. It promises to be a fun day for all the family.