MALVERN'S largest em-ployer has been accused of blackmail by a leading councillor.

Coun Clive Smith has demanded an apology from QinetiQ after he claims the firm sent councillors a letter implying it would pull out of Malvern if two housing applications for its St Andrew's Road site were refused.

He was particularly upset by one paragraph in a letter sent to members of the southern area development control committee by QinetiQ's director of estates Alan Threadgold.

This stated: "Whilst the company's current investment priorities lie elsewhere, the Malvern site remains strategically important to our future; it is QinetiQ's second largest site. As a consequence our board has approved the principle that we can re-invest the proceeds from the sale of surplus land into improved site infrastructure."

Coun Smith, a member of Malvern Hills District Council's executive board, has asked for a letter of clarification and apology for any offence or mis- understanding caused to be sent to all councillors concerned.

He said: "The tone of the opening paragraphs was extremely threatening, as they implied some sort of threat to the future of the whole QinetiQ site if planning approval was not forthcoming."

Coun Smith said the letter was unnecessary, as there were no planning grounds to refuse both applications, which were passed at last week's meeting,

Mr Threadgold said: "There's not even the slightest hint of us moving elsewhere, that's absolutely not the case.

"If we didn't get approval, it would limit plans to grow the Malvern site.

"As for suggestions of a threat to the Malvern site, I just can't see that in the letter."

He added: "The point I was trying to make is that it is difficult to get investment money.

"We've taken the case to our board that we should be permitted to reinvest the proceeds of surplus land back into the site.

"This is a good outcome for the staff, and a good outcome for Malvern, I was just trying to get support for this."

He said he had written to Coun Smith.

"What I say in my letter is between Coun Smith and myself, but I'll be inviting him into the site and showing him what we're trying to do," he added.