I agree with Mr Keith Berry (Your Letters, June 17), we should not sell off any part of the land at Seaford Court for development, certainly not before we know the financial and physical details of what is proposed for the new Malvern Hospital.

Many years ago I managed to secure an agreement with the health authorities that this land would be used as the site for the hospital. So far this agreement has proved to be the only genuine step forward.

It is said the sale of part of the land would help towards financing the hospital. What guarantee do we have of this? Might it not simply be used to fill the South Worcestershire Primary Care Trust's financial hole and thereafter become a precedent for the sale of more land.

We do not even have the makings of a proper business plan for the new hospital.

The omens are not good. At the other end of the county, the PCT is actually proposing to close wards at Evesham Community Hospital.

We will need to be sure there is sufficient land at Seaford Court, not only as Mr Berry says for good car parking, but also to enable the hospital to be expanded as time goes by.

My own efforts over the next few months will be to do all I can to persuade the authorities to come up with a specific financial plan.

Sir Michael Spicer MP, House of Commons, London.