A CASTLEMORTON woman has published her late father's account of his experiences in the Second World War.

Albert Stockwell was a member of the 1st British Airborne Division - the Red Berets or Red Devils - and took part in the Battle of Arnhem, a fiasco and the biggest setback in the allied invasion of Europe.

Now his account, entitled Diary of a Red Devil, has been published by his daughter Maggie Clifton.

"He wrote it as soon as he had come back from the war and he talks about his training, his experiences in the battle, how he was captured and made a prisoner of war and how he escaped," said Mrs Clifton.

Mr Stockwell died in 2001 and his wife Dorothy passed the book on her daughter in 2003.

Mrs Clifton said: "It was getting old and yellow, so I decided to make a copy. As I was transcribing it into the computer, there were tears running down my face.

"I decided to get it published, as a tribute to my father and all the men of his generation who took part in that battle."

In September last year, Mrs Clifton and her husband Paul marked the 60th anniversary of the battle by visiting Arnhem.

The place where Mr Stockwell was captured is now a museum and his daughter presented it with a copy of his account.

Diary of a Red Devil was published this week by Helion and Co and is available in all good bookshops, priced £21.95.