AS a now retired postman you can imagine my opinion of dogs.

For over 30 years I walked through particular gates with dread. Walking up to the front door of some houses was like stealing into a high security prison compound and then, to make matters worse, I had to risk my hand in the letter box with goodness knows what waiting to bite my fingers off.

Funnily enough, it wasn't the big dogs which frightened me, it was the little snappy terriers, who always seemed to be uncritically worshipped by their owners, which did the most damage.

I suppose really it was the owners who were at fault, just like when parents are to blame when children cause trouble.

Perhaps in extreme cases there should be ASBOs served on certain canine delinquents. The trouble is it might be the postman who has to deliver it!

BERT CLIFF, Court Road, Malvern.