I WOULD guess few people know that the bulk of money we spend on foreign aid is paid into the EU, which is then dispersed on our behalf.

Last year, we paid £600m into the unaccountable black hole. Blair and Brown claim to be concerned about the distribution of future aid to Africa. If they are, then why do they continue to pay into an organisation that is known to be corrupt and which can't account for many millions of pounds/euros of taxpayers' money?

Examples are the missing £150m that Marta Andreasen, ex-chief accountant was asked to cover up before she walked out. If Blair and Brown were managing director and secretary of a company, they would be sacked for mismanagement and incompetence and the company wound up.

So why don't we do just that? They are responsible for our having to pay over to Brussels, one per cent of our VAT, 75 per cent of our customs revenue and a portion of our gross national income. We transfer this money to Brussels every two weeks.

The last week in May that amounted to £138m. It's time for them to go and for us to leave the European Union. We are entitled to a referendum. Let's use people power now to demand one.


UKIP Mid-Worcestershire.