AN ingenious idea to trap rainwater and put it to good use was aired in a letter to the Gazette 100 years ago.

Writer E B Fitton was inspired by recent heavy rainfall in which "torrents of storm water have rushed away from our roadways to expend themselves and disappear in the street gullies".

"Surely a great deal of this waste water might, without very great expense, be stored in underground tanks or reservoirs to be reserved for use in case of fire or, when water is less abundant, for watering our streets.

"It would not be a difficult task for our local engineer to sink a large underground tank near the donkey shed above Red Lion Bank.

"Another might be placed near the Emmanuel Church, so as to catch storm water down the Wyche Road, and another tank in the centre of town, near the Assembly Rooms, into which the water that flows in torrents during showers might be stored."