MORE than 280 volunteers have been thanked by Worcestershire Royal Hospital for their hard work and commitment to patients, relatives and visitors.

To celebrate Year of the Volunteer, they were awarded certificates at a Volunteers 'Thank You' Tea Party.

The volunteers help in many ways from acting as guides to providing a library trolley service.

A team of volunteers in audiology assist by making minor repairs to hearing aids in the clinics, in nursing homes and in patients' own homes, while patients and staff enjoy Radio Choice, which is manned by volunteers broadcasting an extensive range of programmes from their studio in Aconbury East.

The chaplains have their own volunteers to support patients in hospital. There are four PALS volunteers who, by liaising and talking with patients, can help to resolve any minor problems quickly and Red Cross volunteers provide a specialist skin camouflage service to patients.

The volunteers in the coffee shop at Newtown have been serving refreshments to visitors, staff and patients for many years.

The busy WRVS Shop in the main entrance at Worcestershire Royal is staffed by a team of 80 volunteers.

Other volunteers can be found in clinics either on the reception desks or meeting patients, and in the information centre.

The Friends of Worcestershire Royal Hospital were also present and thanked for their efforts in fund-raising activities, which brings in substantial sums of moneywhich helps support patients and staff.

Chairman Michael O'Riordan said: "Our volunteers are part of the WRVS organisation and we have our own WRVS volunteer co-ordinator, who is always pleased to hear from people who might be interested in volunteering.

"Volunteers play an immense role in supporting patient services."