AN Alcester primary school has been praised for raising standards and improving results over the past two years.

Our Lady's Catholic School, which was said to have "serious weaknesses" in 2003, has been given a glowing report by Ofsted inspectors, who visited the school in May and described it as "good value for money".

Among the major improvements are the standards achieved in core subjects English, maths and science. In 2002 the school's Year Six, results in all three were well below the national average, with an E rating in each subject. But in 2003 all had risen to C (average) and in 2004 maths rose to B and English A.

The report, published last week, says that teaching is good throughout the 107 pupil school, and that pupils in every class achieve well.

Headteacher Sylvia Collins is praised for her leadership, communication and commitment to "promoting a strong ethos based on Christian values."

The only weakness highlighted is strategic planning, which is "not sharp enough". It has been recommended that this be addressed by making targets in the school improvement plan more specific and measurable and to give governors more concise information to aid monitoring.

In her summary, lead inspector, Vivien Davies, said: "This is an effective and much improved school with a good ethos. Pupils achieve well, are happy and develop confidence, maturity and independence. The head teacher, senior management team and governing body have effectively raised standards and improved the quality of education in a very short time. Parents and pupils like the school very much. Standards of attainment are above expected levels in all areas of the curriculum inspected."

On receiving the report, headteacher Sylvia Collins said: "I feel the Ofsted report recognises the commitment of staff, pupils and parents to the continued high quality of education in our school. We are very pleased that this has been acknowledged."

And chairman of governors Chris Ryde said: "I am delighted with the report and pleased that the many qualities of the school have been recognised and that the school is judged by Ofsted to be a good school, offering high standards of education."